Our Family of Five

Our Family of Five

Thursday, February 26, 2009

A little bit of this...a little bit of that

So...I'm going to use this post to "vent" a little - as I need it!! It's been kind of a frustrating, sad, and eventful week at our household, or at least for me. It all started with me ALMOST getting scammed by a horrible person on Craig's list. We are selling a few items around our house and posted these for the first time. Long story short, some horrible man/person, gave me this "believable" story about wanting to buy the furniture to surprise his wife AND offered me $50 more than what we were asking for...needless to say that I didn't read the section on typical "scams" and fell for this story. I only found out that I was being taken for a schmuck when I was talking about this with my cousin, Lucy (thanks again Lucy for saving me a LOT OF MONEY!!!). You see these people send you a FAKE cashier's check (and accidentally write it for way more than what they were supposed to write it for). When I found out it was a scam I emailed the man a nasty message and told him that if he ever contacts me again, I would call the police. It just makes me so mad that #1 I would be dumb enough to fall for this scam, and #2 that there are such sick people in this world!!!

It's been a really emotional week for me being pregnant. We had a little scare this weekend, but things seem to be okay now. I'm pretty nervous with this pregnancy and am really trying hard to let go of my fear and remind myself that it's in God's hands. I am so blessed to have my two wonderful sons already and feel fortunate that God has chosen me to have another child! Even though I'm feeling a lot better, my emotions have gotten the best of me this week. A few days I have found myself going from hysterically laughing to sobbing uncontrollably. The things that happen to your body and emotions when you are pregnant are just crazy sometime! I am excited for the weeks to come though....feeling the baby move for the first time AND of course, finding out the sex!!! We hope to be able to find out in about 4-6 weeks. Can't believe that I'm already 14 weeks along.

And finally...I am so frustrated with insurance companies! How the individuals working for these companies can be so heartless at times. And how long it takes to try to get one stinkin' bill paid for (which IS covered by your plan!). Some people just make things so difficult. Just think how much time we waste dealing with these people...I can think of many other things which to spend my time!

Well, enough venting for now. I need to try to get some things done today. I hope everyone has had a good week and enjoys the weekend ahead!

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

BIG NEWS from the Kindlers....

It's been so long since my last post and so much has happened for us here at the Kindler household...The biggest news of all is that Masen and Dawson are going to be big brothers again!!! Yep - Jen is pregnant and due to have the baby around August 26th. We are really excited and can't wait to find out the sex (YES, we will be finding out since Jen is such a planner :). This pregnancy has been quite different from the other two, so who knows. Papa Kindler is predicting a girl and he has guessed right on all 6 of the grandkids thus far (plus he guessed correct that Zach and Sara would be having a boy this time and this turned out to be true too). Who knows...any guesses???

Of course, another "addition" means that there is more planning to do to prepare. We made the first (and probably biggest) preparation this weekend by purchasing a van!! We love it and are so excited to have one. It's equipped with a DVD player and all, which is the boy's favorite part :). We'll post pics soon.

Masen has lost TWO teeth within the last week and loves to show off his jack-o-lantern smile (see below). The toothfairy has came twice and she even mailed him a dollar too. He's pretty excited about the money gift.

Dawson is keeping us on our toes, as usual. He's having fun going to MOPS (or church school as we call it) with mommy and loves playing with his cousins Taylor and Colton when they come over during the week.

We are looking forward to celebrating Taylor's 2nd birthday this weekend and spending time with our family. There's nothing like it!!!