Our Family of Five

Our Family of Five

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

My many blessings!!

Josh and I have so much to be thankful for this year. Our three beautiful children, our home, our health, Josh's job, our supportive extended family and friends, and many, many more blessings!! I can't help but get sappy this time of year. I love the holiday season,. Getting together with family, and sharing and making the many wonderful family traditions together. We're heading to Josh's youngest sister's house this weekend in Hoxie, KS. His parents and all of his sibilings (and their spouses and children) will be there too. This will be the first year that we are in Hoxie - we're usually at Josh's parents in Esbon...but we'll be carrying on the traditional "bonfire" with all of the kids. Then the countdown is on until Dawson's 4th birthday on the 19th and Christmas. Soon to be followed my Masen's 7th birthday on Jan. 15th. So many celebrations and so much fun!! I hear that Santa has already been busy :). Hope everyone has been good this year and is blessed this holiday season!

Here are some pics of our three blessings....

Dawson had his first Thanksgiving program this year at preschool. He was such a cute turkey!

The boys were so excited to get to feed Emerson a bottle! Here they are looking like proud big brothers :).

Notice the lack of smile :(. Emery really doesn't like her hat, but she looks so cute in it!! Can't believe she will be 3 months old tomorrow.

Monday, November 9, 2009

Awww....peace and quiet!

Again...peace and quiet doesn't come often around here, and right at this moment I hear nothing but the buzz of the fridge :). Of course, hearing my children's voices everyday reminds me of my great blessings, but everyone needs a little peace and quiet sometimes, right???

We've had a great few weeks here at the Kindler household. Can't believe that Thanksgiving is only 3 weeks away! The kids had a great time on Halloween. I think the sugar-high lasted for several days, and we will be eating Halloween candy until at least Easter. The boys were both Optimus Prime and Emerson was a pumpkin. She had a really cute pumpkin outfit, but screamed when I put her in it, so as you can see below, we resorted to the "pumpkin bib" instead. The boys both had parties at their schools and then we went to Aunt Molly and Uncle Damon's on Halloween night.

We have been enjoying the beautiful weather these past few weeks too! We love going to the park and know that we need to take advantage of it now because soon it will be too cold to be outside. Here are some pics from our "Fall" adventures thus far. Enjoy!

Masen, Dawson and their cousin, Taylor at the park.

The boys loved playing in the leaves...they even loved helping Daddy rake them up this year too :).

Our little pumpkin is getting big! She's such a happy girl!!

Optimus #1 and Optimus #2