Well, the summer has definitely flown by for us! Both of the boys had fun playing baseball - Dawson, T-Ball, and Masen, Coach Pitch. It was fun to see them in action, and I have to say that I think we have some ball players on our hands. They both also took swim lessons. They have really improved this year! Masen actually went off the high dive this year and Dawson is jumping off of the side (in the deep end) and swimming back by himself. We have really had a lot of fun swimming this summer.
Emerson is a little fish herself. She LOVES the water! She gets so excited when we're walking up to the water, or even just the bathtub. She could splash for hours. She even likes to dip her face in sometimes.
I'm happy to say that Emerson is helmet and cast FREE!! She is still wearing a hip brace to sleep in, but her hip has really improved and is doing great. She isn't quite crawling yet, just rolling, or spinning in circles, to where she wants to go! It's so cute. She recently started kneeling and standing too, which is a HUGE step as she has never put weight on her legs. We're hoping that she'll be "brace free" in a few months. She is so smart!! Did I mention that she knows how to take her brace on and off (it has 3 different velcro-loops to undo), she can say "Daddy, Hiiii," blow kisses, say "TA DA" while raising her arms, and she loooves to play peek-a-boo. So, so smart!
We are so proud of our little angels! They bring us so much joy!
Aside from two vacations, we did 2 major house projects this summer too, OH, and Josh had his appendix removed! Whew! It's been quite the whirlwind, but so much fun.
Here are some pics of our eventful summer. We were blessed to be able to take vacations with both sides of the family this year. We went to Omaha (to the zoo) with Nini and Pops (Rumsey) and to the Ozarks with the Kindler fam.
I promise to get better at posting from here on but for now....
Enjoy your last days of summer!
The fam at the Omaha Zoo. We spent ALL day there and it was so much fun!