Our Family of Five

Our Family of Five

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Look At Me...NO CAST!!!

Emerson is finally CAST FREE!! Yipee! The cast came off early this morning. She will be wearing a brace for 4-5 months, but hopefully after the first 2 months it will only be nightwear. She is starting out wearing it 20 hours/day, but we can take it on and off and there are no restrictions as far as activities and movement go when it is off. We are so happy for her. She has been such a little trooper! Can't believe that 11 weeks actually went pretty fast. She will be moving in no time...in fact, the first time that I put her on her tummy today (with her brace on) she flipped right over. She just zipped over and then looked a little shocked at what she had just done, as was I! It was really cute. We can't wait for her to enjoy the little things out of the cast...real baths, sitting in a highchair to eat instead of lying down, and actually moving! Once again, thank you all for your support and prayers during the past few months. We are so blessed and amazed by God's Grace and Love! Here's a pic of the "free woman" sitting in her highchair for the first time at 9 months old. I'm sure there will be many more pics to come...

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