Our Family of Five

Our Family of Five

Friday, August 14, 2009

Goodbye summer...hello school!

Well....summer is officially over for us. Masen started 1st grade yesterday and is already lovin' it! He had his first "full" day today and said that it went so fast, he didn't even have time to miss me and Daws. I'll admit, I was a little nervous about today. At least nervous that he wouldn't eat the lunch that I packed him, or that he would be overwhelmed. BUT - he did great! Two of his friends from his Kindergarten class are in his class this year, which helped. He woke up with a tummy ache both days and had me walk him to his class both mornings, but I think he's gonna do just fine. He really likes his teacher, Miss Evans, and REALLY likes having recess every day :). I just can't believe that his a 1st grader already. My how time flys! Here are some pics of his (second) day of school - I can't believe that I forgot to take my camera on his first day....blame it on the baby!

1st grade....here I come!

School is cool!!

Daws is all ready for preschool too....although he won't start until the 31st. He already has his backpack full of his school supplies and he refuses to take it off when we're at home :). So cute!

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