For those of you who have kids, you know the anticipation that occurs during the last few days. The wonder of what, or who, this baby will look like and will I be able to do the whole sleep deprivation thing again...well - we did it just fine and looking back I can say that I don't really remember the whole sleep deprivation thing. So for those of you who are currently expecting - it flies by, so don't worry!
I'm so proud of Dawson (and Masen, of course)! I feel blessed to be their mother and to have the best man ever to be the father of my children. Crap, there I go getting sappy :(. I'm sure I'll shed a few tears tomorrow and evenmore as the years go on. Enjoy the pics below and HAPPY BIRTHDAY DAWS!!!
Here I am in the delivery room, just before getting induced. I sure look happy then, but that was b/c I hadn't had any contractions yet!
Proud parents!!! And yes, I'd like to say that I've lost the double chin since then :).